Welcome to Mississippi CoCoRaHS!
Mississippi is a member of CoCoRaHS, and is looking for weather observers. It's easy to join. Just follow the instructions below. By joining, you can become part of a growing community of people interested in weather, and also provide a great service to scientists, forecasters and neighbors interested in the daily patterns of rainfall.
How do I join? All you need to do is click on Join CoCoRaHS, fill out the application, view the training slide show/animations and purchase a rain gauge.
Do I need to purchase a rain gauge? Yes. For the quality of the data reported to be consistent, everyone must use the same rain gauge. You can purchase a rain gauge from various vendors. What do I need to do? Once you join and set up your rain gauge, you will log in to this website once a day or as often as you are able to report the amount of rain in the rain gauge. Days without any rain are also important!
Who can I contact if I have questions? You may contact the state coordinator or one of the regional or co-coordinators. Click on "State Coordinators" on the State Menu to the left to find out who your regional or local coordinators are. For general questions, you may contact: Mike Brown Office of the Mississippi State Climatologist Mississippi State University 662 325-3915 mike.brown@msstate.edu
Can I do anything else to help ? Sure! We are looking for volunteers at the county level to serve as local coordinators. Email one of the state or regional coordinators if you are interested.
Which regional coordinator should I contact? Find your county on the map below and then look for your regional coordinator by clicking here.
