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Searched: Report date on 2/13/2025.
Showing 11 Records.    
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
2/13/2025  AL-LS-36 ALLimestone Moderately Wet General Awareness
My whole back yard is full of mud puddles from the excessive rain that we have had the last 2 days. The ground is saturated so that it is very slowly being absorbed.  View
2/13/2025  AZ-MR-610 AZMaricopa NA    View
2/13/2025  CA-OR-19 CAOrange Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Even though we are only at 25% of norm of PRISM WYTD we have had high humidity for the past couple months keeping the soil very moist. We have run above the dew point many nights the past couple months providing moisture. After almost 1” of rain overnight my yards soils can absorb no more. Water is puddled all around the yard and the soil has not been dry or cracked. No Sprinklers have not been used for weeks. Tonight we are supposed to get at least another inch which will generated a lot of runoff for the area. I’ll be watching local stream flows tonight. I would expect tomorrow we will be severely wet. I will dig down 12” and see what kind of penetration this rain is getting through our hard clay soil.  View
2/13/2025  GA-FL-23 GAFloyd Severely Wet General Awareness
Wet and muddy.  View
2/13/2025  IL-WL-63 ILWill Mildly Dry General Awareness
Rain and snow have blanketed the area of late. Four fresh inches of the latter will lock in our latest moisture as we approach a prolonged cold spell.  View
2/13/2025  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Mildly Wet General Awareness
Clear and-9 Hi 6 Wind NW 7 mph. Weather Advisory until 9:00A.M. Cold and wind chill.  View
2/13/2025  NJ-AT-63 NJAtlantic Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Quick leap after the snow and rains last night to currently moderately wet. puddles in several low-lying areas that typically flood, and the trees and shrubs are full and responding to the ground saturation favorably.  View
2/13/2025  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Cloudy and cold with light winds and snow flurries, then mostly cloudy overnight with gusty winds with light rain. The high temperature was around twenty eight degrees and the low around twenty seven degrees increasing to thirty six degrees Fahrenheit by 5am. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every day. Intermittent streams are flowing but have thick ice in areas.  View
2/13/2025  NC-CM-42 NCCumberland Moderately Dry General Awareness
We have ad some showers this past week, but not enough to make up for our drought.  View
2/13/2025  SC-PC-66 SCPickens Severely Wet General Awareness
Mountain trails are muddy and soupy. Roads are soaked. Driving conditions in mountain roads are a bit tricky. Our mountain creek is roaring.  View
2/13/2025  WI-GT-17 WIGrant Near Normal General Awareness
it is now about normal. It has snowed and it is not as dry as it was before. It does not affect my daily activities.  View
Showing 11 Records.