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Showing 1 - 50 of 53 Records. <Back  Page   Next>
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
12/14/2024  AZ-MH-25 AZMohave Severely Dry General Awareness
Extreme Drought D3 status along the lower Colorado River valley area. Dry windy conditions this past week.  View
12/14/2024  AR-SL-42 ARSaline Mildly Dry Plants & Wildlife
Lots of windy days recently. Soil moisture level still low. Leaves continue to fall. Squirrels burying acorns. Still in moderate drought.  View
12/14/2024  CO-DG-176 CODouglas Mildly Dry General Awareness
Temperatures above normal and the month has been dry.except for Monday’s snow and freezing rain. We’ve also had wind.  View
12/14/2024  CO-JF-573 COJefferson Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
No precipitation of any kind this week. Windy Dec 13 up to 13 mph. It has been cold and mostly clear skies this week. Temps in high teens and low 20s in morning and up to low 40s at mid afternoon. Songbirds, vultures, ravens, crows, mule deer, and squirrels are active in the yard.  View
12/14/2024  CT-NH-43 CTNew Haven Moderately Dry General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Soil remains dryer than normal in spite of recent rainfalls. Nearby streams and rivers are lower than normal although nearby reservoirs remain at normal to near normal levels.  View
12/14/2024  CT-NL-29 CTNew London Mildly Dry General Awareness
We had 2.71" of rain durig the week. This has reduced the risk of fire. The ground had not yet frozen, so the soil got a great deal of moisture. We are still behind in rain fall, but conditions are improving  View
12/14/2024  FL-AL-50 FLAlachua Mildly Dry General Awareness
Lake Alice and golf course water are below average. Plants/turf are essentially dormant.  View
12/14/2024  FL-BW-167 FLBroward Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Droughty conditions continue with additional water stress in unirrigated landscapes. temps are quite moderate and less than average for this time of year. breezy conditions persist. AC use very low with some homes using heat at times.  View
12/14/2024  FL-MA-10 FLManatee Severely Dry General Awareness
FIRE - With another week of only insignificant precipitation (0.10”) our dry condition prevail. Also, our days have been very sunny with the absence of clouds to provide any shade. ENERGy - Daytime temperatures fluctuated up and down versus the average, which probably turned out to be average. Nighttime temperatures were mostly below our average. This has increased the “Furnace” portion of our system to run more. However the sunny days allow us to turn off the heat during daylight hours and turn it back on at dusk. GENERAL - Regular amounts of precipitation would be a very welcome Christmas present from SANTA!  View
12/14/2024  FL-PB-132 FLPalm Beach Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
It is the winter dry season. Daily measurements of precipitation have been 0 for a couple weeks. Retention ponds in the area, used for water management in this low elevation area, are showing shorelines that are at least 2 feet lower than their highest levels only a month ago. Grasses and lawns are turning brown if sprinkler systems are not installed and used every other day. Oak trees are dropping some leaves in response. However, this is the time of year for such things. Hence, the "normal" selection.  View
12/14/2024  GA-DK-51 GADeKalb Near Normal General Awareness
Everything seems normal.  View
12/14/2024  GA-FL-23 GAFloyd Near Normal General Awareness
Adequate soil moisture.  View
12/14/2024  IL-BN-19 ILBoone Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
This area picked up a trace of precipitation over the week in the form of snow flurries. Otherwise, nothing measurable has occurred since November 22. The pattern seems to be, since August or so, fairly long dry spells followed by measurable precipitation. The U.S. Drought Monitor currently has this region in a moderate and expanding drought yet local waterways have surprisingly remained about the same as last week. So all things considered, it seems a mildly dry soil condition remains and if not for the frozen ground it would most likely be moderately dry or worse. Trees are bare, lawns are fairly brown and bare soil looks dry. Wildlife remains quiet with the usual winter birds at the feeder. I did see a lot of rabbit fur on a nearby trail the other day and figured it was probably a fox that caught it but it could have been an owl or hawk. Whatever predator it was, it obviously got itself a meal. Anyhow, while it may be winter now, it's still a jungle out there.  View
12/14/2024  IL-JD-13 ILJo Daviess Severely Dry Agriculture
ponds are very low to empty, drainage tile are dry,cover crops seeded into the dry hard ground did not germinate evenly, tillage and fertilizer application has been delayed  View
12/14/2024  IN-FL-3 INFulton Mildly Dry General Awareness
Have had only 0.37 inches of precipitation at my location during the past 7-days.  View
12/14/2024  KS-BU-25 KSButler Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
First rain of the month overnight (.09). Creek a bit lower but still with good flow. Soil remains soft.  View
12/14/2024  KS-JO-53 KSJohnson Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
No significant precipitation for two weeks. Winter is almost here, but the temperatures are already wintry.  View
12/14/2024  KS-OT-31 KSOttawa Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
It's raining right now. It started around 4:30 am and was predicted to be done by 7, but it's 8:15 and still raining nicely. There's been no other precipitation thiscweek Temperatures are in the low 40's this morning, so it's not icing. I've noticed larger flocks of geese moving southward this week. Wheat continues to look good.  View
12/14/2024  KY-CM-3 KYCumberland Near Normal Agriculture
1.12 inches of rain. Trace of snow during two days.  View
12/14/2024  MA-BA-51 MABarnstable Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
heavy rain earlier this week  View
12/14/2024  MA-BE-21 MABerkshire Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
This past week's snow and rain brought 2.81" of precipitation. Streams are running at a normal level. Snow remains in protected areas and shoveled/plowed piles. A high variety of birds are visiting the feeders.  View
12/14/2024  MA-ES-64 MAEssex Mildly Dry General Awareness
3.09 inches of rain in the last week but soil still somewhat dry and now frozen. Squirrels and mostly English Sparrows coming to the birdfeeder. Vernal pools have filled up with the rain and intermittent streams have some flow.  View
12/14/2024  MA-HD-28 MAHampden Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Received 2.24 inches of precipitation this week of mainly rain with a very small amount of measurable snow. The local rivers visibly rose. Have sighted several flocks of geese during the week. Backyard birds remain busy throughout the yard and at the feeder.  View
12/14/2024  MI-WS-11 MIWashtenaw Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Some snow earlier in the week gave us a little snow cover for the cold temps of the last few days. A warmup with rain/ice is coming tonight. Definitely winter and it's been windy as well which makes it colder. Lots if birds, no chipmunks and a few squirrels. A few bulbs stating to poke uo, just leaves.  View
12/14/2024  MI-WY-125 MIWayne Near Normal General Awareness
Near Normal Conditions.  View
12/14/2024  MN-IT-57 MNItasca Near Normal General Awareness
We have about 7 inches of snow cover at this time.  View
12/14/2024  MN-MR-26 MNMorrison Moderately Dry Still not much snow here, just enough to partially cover the grass. Lake Shamineau ice report, ice is thickening up after this cold spell the last week with subzero temps, we're seeing 8 1/2 to 10 1/2 inches of good ice on the west side of the lake within about 400 yards from shore.  View
12/14/2024  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Mildly Wet General Awareness
Haze and 20 Hi 30 Wind ESE 10 mph. Snow coming later today.  View
12/14/2024  MO-CN-10 MOClinton Moderately Wet General Awareness
Report for 8 Dec 24 to 14 Dec 24. There was 1 day of rain over the last week for a total of 0.17 inches. The total rainfall for December is 0.20 inches. The historical average for December is 1.00 inches. The current conditions are Moderately Wet.  View
12/14/2024  MO-NW-4 MONewton Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Drought conditions continue even with the scattered showers overnight today. first precipitation in nearly a month. (Previous rain Nov. 19). Leaves have mostly fallen and are blowing around with high fire danger in the area. Deer are active I the neighborhood this morning and a few other small animals are still active. The creek is lowering but still has a good flow,  View
12/14/2024  NV-CK-62 NVClark Severely Dry General Awareness
No rain in the valley.  View
12/14/2024  NM-BR-239 NMBernalillo Moderately Dry General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Only 0.07 inch of precipitation has fallen in the last 30 days. The weather has been dry with afternoon relative humidity 20 to 30% and no frost in the cold mornings. Therefore the soil is dry. Most of the snow in the Sandia Mountains has melted or sublimated.. Our water supply is adequate.  View
12/14/2024  NM-TR-21 NMTorrance Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Normal weather for mid December. Cooler temps, about 1 inch of ice each morning on stock tank. Pastures are in decent shape. Wildlife and livestock seem to be doing well. Dry but normal for our desert southwest. Fire danger is elevated but not extreme.  View
12/14/2024  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Mostly sunny and cold with light winds, then clear overnight. The high temperature was around twenty degrees, and the low around three degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every six to seven days. Intermittent streams are flowing.  View
12/14/2024  NC-CH-61 NCChatham Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Conditions here remain mildly dry but trending toward "normal." We received about 2 inches of rain last week and small streams are flowing. Overall cool to cold Fall weather is the current rule with frosts nearly every morning. A warm up with rain is forecast next week.  View
12/14/2024  OK-MY-12 OKMayes Mildly Dry General Awareness
Pond is down another 2” this week. Had minimal precipitation this week (<0.02”) but consistent winds and warm temperatures. Ephemeral streams have small amounts of water in the pools. No standing water in the fields. Birds are using the bird bath.  View
12/14/2024  OK-PH-1 OKPushmataha Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Beneficial rains fell this week resulting in a seven day storm total of 0.70" of rain. This rainfall has continued to improve soil moisture, and according to the National Weather Service we have additional rain chances in the next few days. Next, our flower garden is showing signs of life after a few seedlings have finally started to grow, and our Shumard Oak trees are doing well at this time. We are also expecting 10 Crape Myrtle trees to soon plant which is fantastic. Lastly, area wildlife has been active with multiple sightings of deer, birds, and an armadillo.  View
12/14/2024  OR-CC-76 ORClackamas Near Normal General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Fire danger is low. We have had some rain the past few days, and the creek is back up to where it was before the dry spell. I haven't checked yet to see if it was cold enough to reduce the duckweed on the pond. Mushrooms and toadstool abound. We have an abundance of birds, although I haven't been stocking the feeders. There was a large flock of lesser goldfinches in the front yard one morning this week, enjoying the seed heads in the flower beds. Some varmint was hungry enough to venture into the chicken coop in the hour before dawn one morning last week when I opened the coop earlier than usual. It got one of my roosters. The moles continued their work even while the ground was frozen, heaving up a few new hills in spite of the frozen sod. Soil moisture must have been better this past summer than it had been for the previous few summers, as we didn't have any more die-back in the tops of the mature western redcedars. Activity at the big Christmas tree farms has slowed, - evidently the cross-country shipments have been all sent, and now the farms are mostly selling to the public and local distributors. The tree care company working for the electric utility continues to be busy in the area this week.  View
12/14/2024  OR-CC-88 ORClackamas Mildly Wet General Awareness
Dry start to December ends. Last week measured 1.56" rain. Still in big deficit, 3.85", for this, our wettest month.  View
12/14/2024  RI-KN-36 RIKent Moderately Wet General Awareness
4.67 inches of rain this past week.  View
12/14/2024  RI-PR-135 RIProvidence Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
With 3.26” of gauge catch this week and 5.13” over the last 3 weeks, conditions are near normal if not mildly wet for mid December. The heavy rain on Wednesday melted all of the snowpack from the snow earlier this week. The usual wet spots have returned to the trails at Sprague farm and Douglas Forest with brooks and streams running enough for a game of Pooh sticks. Winter birds like finches, sparrows, tufted titmouse and jays have been active this week and a Bald Eagle has been a regular visitor to the lake. Ice is forming in the coves on the lake but the center of the lake remains ice free. George Washington state park continues to post a Medium fire danger and the Harrisville/Pascoag water district outdoor water use ban is still in effect. The NIDIS website continues to show moderate to severe drought throughout the state.  View
12/14/2024  SC-AK-106 SCAiken Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
12/14/2024  SC-DC-55 SCDorchester Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Water level in the retention pond is down by 18 inches. Only 0.36 inch of rain in the past two weeks. After a few frosty nights and windy days, many tree leaves have changed colors and dropped some of their leaves. With less leaves on the trees, it is easier to see the birds.  View
12/14/2024  SC-GV-94 SCGreenville Near Normal Clay soil is deep red color and firm. We still have some puddling in the yard from rain. Leaves are still falling. Retention pond is full. Tributaries are running.  View
12/14/2024  SC-RC-12 SCRichland Near Normal General Awareness
After receiving no measurable precipitation for 18 straight days, we got 1.36" for four straight. The swimming pool level has risen.  View
12/14/2024  TX-MSN-8 TXMason Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Conditions remain almost unchanged since last week. The drought condition is the same with a 160 DSCI, the same as last week. The USGS reports the Llano River is flowing at 71 cfs vs the 52-year median of 168 cfs. Recreational kayaking on the river has come to a near halt over the last two years due to low water levels. Temperatures remain above average for this time of year. Plants have mostly gone dormant but green areas are still visible, probably due to the warm temps. There are no burn bans in effect.  View
12/14/2024  TX-VV-16 TXVal Verde Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Still no measurable rain in over 60 days  View
12/14/2024  TX-WM-316 TXWilliamson Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Well, we actually had some rain this week! Still under an inch, which will not bring relief to the lakes, but is a nice change from the past few weeks. We did finally get a first frost, so sensitive plants are dieing and many trees are nearly bare, but the moisture we have gotten does end some of the burn bans, and encourage those winter vegetables which are growing now.  View
12/14/2024  VA-PN-2 VAPrince Edward Near Normal General Awareness
1.12" rain this week.ponds remain near normal levels  View
12/14/2024  WA-SG-58 WASkagit Near Normal General Awareness
Rainfall for this week was around 0.7". Temperatures have stayed above freezing with the latter part of the week in the 40s and 50s.  View
Showing 1 - 50 of 53 Records. <Back  Page   Next>