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Searched: Report date on 7/2/2024.
Showing 21 Records.    
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
7/2/2024  AL-MS-41 ALMarshall Moderately Dry General Awareness
Lack of rain and heat negatively impacting grass, garden and landscaping. Grass is turning brown and quit growing. Garden and landscaping plants require daily watering. Leaves on river birch tree browning and falling off.  View
7/2/2024  CA-OR-67 CAOrange Near Normal General Awareness
Overcast, Cool, Calm  View
7/2/2024  FL-AL-102 FLAlachua Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
We have received measurable rain on 7 consecutive days since June 26, which has resulted in considerable grass and plant growth in pastures and gardens. Sand roads are flat and firm again. After an unusually dry start to June, and a very dry second half of May, the rainy season is finally providing much-needed daily rains. The humidity has risen significantly, often over 60% and closer to 80% in the evenings when storms are in the area. The daily temperature has come down from the high 90s to moderate 80s-mid 90s.  View
7/2/2024  IL-WL-131 ILWill Mildly Dry General Awareness
June ending is slightly dry, even though the June ending was just above the monthly avg. Grass is drying out and landscaping requires some watering. June had a week of 90 degs temps w/ windy conditions. The AC bill will be on the large side. Farm fields are doing good, corn is fairly high in many fields. The Water YTD and Calendar YTD numbers are still running well above avg.  View
7/2/2024  KY-CB-10 KYCampbell Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Station CB-KY-10 had entered D1 - MODERATE DROUGHT this morning. Yesterday I have noticed that 85 to 90 percent of the grass is brown. I have taken a long walk yesterday. I have noticed that some of the grass at NKU is very crisp and extremely yellow brown along Johns Hill Road. Approximately 10 percent of the trees are showing drought stress - particularly pine trees which are beginning to show brownness and the small decidious trees which are showing some minor wilting. The pond level is much lower than normal. There are large cracks in the lawn areas. The soil is pulling away from the sidewalks and foundations. The next door neighbor's tree in the front yard is now totally dead with no leaves on it at 747 Johns Hill Road. I had to keep continuing to water my newly planted trees at the cemetery and keep watering my marigold planters. The rabbit ate almost all of my marigolds last week. I have measured only 0.77" of rain during the past 30 days 6/3/2024 to 7/2/2024. Had a high of (27.0) 80.6 F yesterday and a low of 12.9 C (55.2 F) @ 6:32 a.m. this morning. There is almost no local stream flow except for the Licking and Ohio Rivers in Campbell County. The grass is so dry in some areas that it is becoming a fire hazard especially from the following activities: 1) Fire works; 2) Outdoor barbecue grilling; 3) Smoking outdoors due to cigarette butts; 4) Sparks from operating gas-powered lawn equipment including lawn mowers; and 5) Having small fires in backyard fire pits. Drought conditions at KY-CB-10 are now as bad as it was in early October 2019. If we do not get a significant rainfall within the next two weeks around July 16, 2024, drought conditions will likely reach D2 - SEVERE DROUGHT and become as bad as it was in the severe drought of 2012. Rain is desperately needed in Campbell County.  View
7/2/2024  KY-LN-9 KYLincoln Mildly Wet General Awareness
Mildly wet.  View
7/2/2024  MD-WR-31 MDWorcester Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
June 2024 summary from eastern Worcester County, MD - Temperatures for the month were a couple degrees above the average. This was due mostly to elevated minimum temperatures. The average daily maximum temperature was 82.0 degrees, and the average daily minimum was 67.3. The highest daily maximum was 89.4 on the 22nd and the lowest daily maximum was 75.4 on the 12th. The lowest daily minimum was 57.4 on the 1st and the highest daily minimum was 78.1 on the 23rd. The dew point reached 70 or above on 17 days, with the highest dew point being 78.8 on the 30th. The average daily humidity was 74.5%. June was a wet month with rainfall being more than 180% of average. The total rain was 6.07 inches. Measurable rain was observed on 8 days.  View
7/2/2024  MI-MB-70 MIMacomb Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Grass and plants are all looking very healthy.  View
7/2/2024  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Mildly Wet General Awareness
Drizzle now but sunshine later  View
7/2/2024  MN-SR-104 MNStearns Near Normal General Awareness
Perfect gardening weather.  View
7/2/2024  MO-BY-5 MOBarry Moderately Dry Agriculture
Less than 1.5" rain for month of June  View
7/2/2024  MO-BN-50 MOBoone Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Although below normal afternoon temperatures on 6/30/2024 and 7/01/2024, there was enough soil moisture loss in some garden plots that a few gardeners started watering their plots again. Ash Street Garden condition monitoring is now estimated 70% near normal, 20% mildly dry and 10% mildly wet.  View
7/2/2024  NE-LA-19 NELancaster Moderately Wet General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Significant flooding in the county due to 4-6" of rain over the past 36 hours. My house had less than 2".  View
7/2/2024  NM-TR-21 NMTorrance Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Over 3.5 inches of rain in the last week. Rains were pretty hard and quick causing some damage. Draws on either side of our home ran for the first time in several years causing water gap fence damage along highway 55. Anxious to visit the Manzano mountains to see how they faired. Grass and weeds are actively growing. Dirt tanks have lots of water. Very active rainy season. Fire danger is low. We are thankful!  View
7/2/2024  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Sunny and warm with light winds, then clear overnight . The high temperature was around seventy degrees, and the low around fifty one degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating consistently. Bee Balm, Catnip, Meadow Rue, Saint John"s Wort, Black Medick and Soapwort are blooming, Gardens need watering. Gooseberries, Red and Black Raspberries are appearing, Corn is almost 36 to 48 inches tall. Late planted short-season corn is beginning to sprout. Planted alfalfa is around 12 to 15 inches tall. Second cutting of hay occurring.  View
7/2/2024  OH-MM-13 OHMiami Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Any real measurable rainfall continues to be elusive for my neighbohood and area. It's dry. And getting drier.  View
7/2/2024  SC-YR-64 SCYork Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Rain has been very intermittent for the last 2 or 3 months except for the big storm in April that caused lots of damage in Rock Hill to the south.  View
7/2/2024  WI-CK-10 WIClark Severely Wet Agriculture
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Hay making is way behind normal, fields severely wet. On clay ground, corn is very small and yellow (not enough sunny days), many fields not planted. Everything is lush green from so much rain, but crops are suffering. Wild blueberries are abundant and starting to ripen, but woods has standing water in potholes  View
7/2/2024  WY-FM-21 WYFremont Mildly Dry Agriculture
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Cold fronts with high winds and no precipitation are pushing us into drought conditions. Still have good supply of irrigation water in river so crops doing ok so far  View
7/2/2024  WY-JN-33 WYJohnson Mildly Dry General Awareness
mostly clear, hot and dry for the most part; some unexpected rain yesterday  View
7/2/2024  CAN-NB-1 CANNew Brunswick Near Normal General Awareness
Significant precip over the last week has improved conditions to near normal (soil is wet, Irrometer zero). Vegetation is green and more rapidly growing in the last week. River level near normal. FWI low. Soil temp 20C.  View
Showing 21 Records.