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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MN-NB-7
Station Name: Worthington 1.9 SW
Report Date: 3/20/2023
Submitted: 3/20/2023 7:19 AM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
We have a lot of snow in this area but due to our windy conditions it's difficult to measure. The snow in my back yard is about 3 ft deep everywhere except where drifting has it piled 4 to 5 ft. Driving around town it is difficult to see what's coming due to piled high snow, there is no place to put it anymore. All farmland has been completely covered making it difficult for wildlife to survive, people have been putting corn on the edges of roads for the Pheasants. There has been some recent thawing to be able to see a few bare spots in the fields. There will be flooding if we should get rapid snow melt.  
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife