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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: OR-BN-168
Station Name: Monroe 0.8 S
Report Date: 9/23/2023
Submitted: 9/23/2023 8:21 AM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
Think Fall season really upon us.  Overnight temps have been down in the lower 40s a couple of times, highs mostly in the 70s.  More trees turning colors other than brown, even a few reds and yellows.  No precip as yet, but rain predicted for several days this coming week although amounts not ventured.  Wildfire smoke seems to be much less, and surrounding views almost clear in the early mornings, though haze and wind does seem to build up some as day progresses.  Forest Service has downgraded its fire danger signs a bit around here.  Local small creeks still bone dry and waiting for a good rainy patch.
Categories: General Awareness